Advantages of $DCT

Holding $DCT enables user to take part in Decentra DAO and also generates passive income from platform revenue.

There are multiple advantages of holding $DCT Tokens.

  1. Farm Rewards: As explained in the previous section, simply holding the $DCT Token and staking them in the $DCT farm, ensures rewards, paid out as farm rewards. This is probably the most ideal.

  2. Interest-free Loans: We plan to integrate an interest-free loan system against $DCT as collateral. Users will be able to borrow their preferred assets by putting $DCT as collateral. Please note, this is not yet implemented.

  3. Governance: $DCT tokens serve as a gateway for users to actively participate in shaping the platform's trajectory. Holding $DCT tokens empowers individuals to engage directly in the decision-making apparatus, offering a voice in the evolution and development of DecentraCredit's future.

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